01233 616 746 hello@littleoaks.org.uk
welcome to our

Little Oaks
Age Groups



( Eager to explore the world around them ) 

Babies & Toddlers

Here is where the journey starts with our youngest children. The Explorers Rooms are a homely, light, and airy environment where the children can enjoy the benefits of socialising regularly with other children and familiar adults. Our team of experienced and qualified Nursery Teacher’s ensure each child receives personalised care to meet their individual needs. The environment is well equipped and enables the Explorer’s to access the available equipment and resources. The Explorers team ensure they support all the children in their development and play.


(Ready to enjoy the adventure of new surroundings ) 

Toddlers & Children

Children become an adventurer when their parents and key person feel that they are developmentally ready both socially and physically. Our Adventurer’s room provides the children with access to the nursery room and our secure inviting garden area. The Nursery Teachers will ensure the environment is full of enriching activities to support each child’s interest, the room’s particular theme or current focus. The Adventurers have the opportunity to access any equipment with both the room and garden daily. Each settings garden areas have been designed to offer exciting opportunities and accessible all year round. Our qualified Adventurers team follow each child’s lead, supporting, extending, and scaffolding their play both inside the setting and outside.


( Independence is promoted at every opportunity ) 


The children have access to a bespoke learning environment which has been developed to consistently support learning and development within the Early Years Framework. Our qualified and experienced Investigators staff team provide a wide range of learning opportunities for all children. When a child becomes an Investigator, they begin to learn the foundations they require to support them for a smooth primary school transition.

The Investigators room provide children the opportunity to access small and large group times, during these sessions the staff team will provide teachable moments. The children are then able to extend the knowledge learnt and implement through play and investigating. The children have access to a wide range of creative equipment and staff scaffold their learning through play. They provide daily tuff trays based around the children’s interests, theme’s, topics and Wanderlust.

Role play is available daily and allows children the opportunity to freely use their imagination, this supports children to build their confidence, creative communication, physical development along with having fun and building on friendships. The Investigators will also have daily access to their unique outside area, which is developed to ensure their learning opportunities inside are continued outside all year round.

Alongside the children accessing an enriching learning environment following their interests, the team also provide numerous learning opportunities these include –

  • Write Dance
  • Phonics
  • Wanderlust
  • Home reading
  • E sessions
  • Woodland sessions (not applicable at all settings)
  • Beach school (dependant on the settings location)

Plus many more exciting activities, our staff team go above and beyond to ensure every opportunity is a learning opportunity.

Dicovery Club

( Independence is promoted at every opportunity ) 

School Aged Children

We offer a wrap around service for school aged children in our Sandgate, Hawkinge and Selsted setting.  During term time through a breakfast club and after school club. During the holidays we run a holiday cub which offers children plenty of exciting activities both within the setting and trips further afield. The holiday club is accessible at our Ashford, Selsted and Margate setting. The children attending have their own designated room which includes a chill out zone and plenty age appropriate resources.

Our Locations

Click a location below to find out more details!